Better workflow in your vivarium.
Identification solutions for laboratory animals.

Animal identification for any spicies

RFID MICROCHIPS for lab animal identification and temperature measurements

Accurate and unmistakable animal identification is an essential requirement for any study involving animal models. A significant amount of information, such as animal’s age, sex, genotype, as well as study parameters and results, is directly associated to each animal in a study. The ability to identify individual animals in a group and maintain data integrity throughout the study is critical to overall research success.


The UID Identification System, which includes RFID microchips and readers, offers a reliable, convenient and permanent method for positive identification of lab animals, from young mice to larger species. The system consists of a very small microchip that stores the unique identification code and programmed data, an RFID reader that retrieves the information with a quick and simple scan, and a specialized injection device for implanting the microchip. These components combine to provide an ideal system that simplifies the identification and tracking of laboratory animals.


Microchips for lab animal identification

  • PERMANENT – Confidence that animals will never lose their identification
  • POSITIVE – Each microchip contains a unique, non-repeating identification code
  • CONVENIENT – Animal ID and data collected within seconds with a simple scan
  • RELIABLE – UID microchips are fail-proof and information can be retrieved for years
  • IMPROVED WELFARE – Reduced stress compared to other methods requiring animal handling
  • EFFICIENT – Effective system for unique identification of individual animals in a group
  • CONSISTENT – Maintain data integrity throughout the study
  • SAFE – Glass encapsulated for improved biocompatibility and no adverse reactions
  • EASY TO USE – Quick and simple insertion with pre-assembled cannula
  • COMPATIBLE – Efficient data collection and integration with
  • LIMS MINIMALLY INVASIVE – After initial implantation, ID collection is completely noninvasive
  • SIMPLE DATA COLLECTION – ID and data retrieved within seconds without hindering the animals
  • ACCURATE – Eliminate misreading and data entry errors inherent in other methods
  • PERSONNEL SAFETY – Decreased occupational risk from animal bites and scratches

Animal Temperature



Body temperature is a fundamental parameter for evaluating health status of an animal in the clinical or research setting. Temperature is also a valuable biomarker to determine humane end points for animal welfare, as well as a useful clinical indicator for evaluating disease onset and progression in infectious disease models.

Although body temperature data is such a useful readout in research studies, it is often not evaluated due to measurement challenges. Rectal thermometry is the most common method used for core temperature measurements, but this technique is not only time- and labor-intensive, but also can lead to significant animal distress due to manual restraint required for device insertion. Non-contact infrared thermometry is less invasive, but this method can be influenced by external ambient temperatures, which can lead to inaccurate temperature readings. Therefore, a practical and reliable method for routine temperature measurements in research animals is required.

Easy insert mouse and scan microchip


The UID Temperature Monitoring System circumvents the challenges confronted with other temperature collection methods and provides a practical, reliable and non-intrusive means for frequent temperature measurements. It is designed for acquiring accurate temperature readings from conscious and unrestrained laboratory animals, reducing stress and ensuring reliable data.

The UID Temperature Monitoring System consists of a small microchip with an integrated temperature biosensor, an RFID reader that retrieves the temperature data with a quick and simple scan, and a specialized injection device for implanting the microchip.

The UID Mouse Matrix enables automatic, continuous, and remote monitoring of temperature and activity for group-housed mice while in their home-cage
 environment and without researcher interference.

Home cage monitoring

REAL-TIME Monitoring of Digital Biomarkers in Group-housed Mice!

For a complete understanding of mouse phenotypes, it is important to monitor animal activity and behavior over long periods of time in the absence of external stimuli. Video-based systems allow researchers to leave the room and monitor the animals remotely, but this practice is not only costly, but also time- and labor-intensive since it relies on research staff fully dedicated to video interpretation – which also introduces experimenter bias. Temperature is another important biomarker for evaluating animal health and welfare. However, conventional temperature recording methods require frequent handling and the use of intrusive devices (i.e., rectal probes) that are stressful to the animals. Furthermore, it is difficult to accurately monitor animals without disturbance, in a group-housed setting, or at night when they are most active.

The UID Mouse Matrix was developed to address the challenges researchers currently face when evaluating temperature and activity in socially-housed mice. This novel RFID-enabled system allows for continuous and remote monitoring of digital biomarkers, such as locomotor activity and temperature, for one or multiple mice in their home-cage environment. The system can monitor group-housed mice in a completely undisturbed setting. Valuable research data can be collected automatically in real-time (24/7), even during the dark phase. In addition to removing experimenter bias, the UID Mouse Matrix can help improve study outcomes by permitting frequent and accurate measurements of progressive behavioral and physiological changes over time in the same animal. We partnered with the leading manufacturers of rodent housing systems (Allentown and Innovive) to enable remote monitoring capabilities with high-density IVC rack systems.

and easy
to use

1. Insert Microchip

Easy insert mouse

2. Place Mouse Matrix Under the Cage

mouse and palete

3. Collect Data



We are here to help!​

Animalab is an exclusive distributor of UID in Europe delivering identification solutions for vivariums, laboratories and empower researchers to generate higher quality data faster, accurately and consistently. UID combines advanced RFID technology with novel and proprietary software to facilitate the identification and tracking of research animals and laboratory items.

Poland, office in Poznan

Poland, office in Warsaw


Czech Republic, Slovakia

Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia

Croatia & Slovenia